The United States Government now has a project entitled RESPECT with the letters standing for:
This project aims to transform the profession by involving and respecting teachers, leaders, associations and unions on district, state, and national levels. It reenvisions the teaching profession to be led by teachers since often there is a disconnect between reality and practice. It hopes to attract top tier talent to the field, look at how teachers are evaluated and supported in meaningful ways, allow the best teachers to help the most needy students, and offer the conditions for teachers to succeed with a national model and as mentors. The RESPECT Project seeks to transform the profession by honoring teacher input and experiences. Principals and school leaders would allow master teachers to be their collaborative partners. Teachers would serve as mentors who are given the time and resources to share their expertise. This project, although in its infancy holds promise for the teaching profession to be identified and looked upon with respect and for students who are educated in inclusive classrooms to receive the expertise of highly recognized staff.