A Sage & Inclusive Video

I was honored to be interviewed by Sage Video to offer inclusive

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insights.  As a collective group of professionals, families, students, and communities, we need to propagate, catapult, and monitor the infusion and progression of the skills and knowledge for learners of all levels of disABILITY.  Ultimately, inclusive school environments in turn lead to  inclusive and collaborative societies that prepare each person to capitalize on his or her strengths.  Each learner is one flower in a societal bouquet. In addition, as each flower has many petals, students are complex and diverse.  Roses, tulips, daisies, lilies, orchids, and sunflowers are all flowers, but each one has its own characteristics and needs. As indicated by this video, each student is a flower, ready to bloom with the appropriate supports. However, rhetoric is just that; now let’s collaboratively “walk the inclusive talk.” Knowledge is malleable, so  I invite your feedback- http://sk.sagepub.com/video/toby-karten-discusses-inclusive-teaching





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