Teachers arduously plan lessons, collaborate with colleagues, and jump through many pedagogical hoops to have their students to achieve the core standards. Yet, if the students display apathy toward the concepts taught, then the lessons occur within a classroom vacuum. That is when educators must INCLUDE the students as key protagonists. The following pledges ask learners to acknowledge that they are an integral part of their own futures. Younger learners or students with lower vocabulary or reading levels can recite the primary pledge. Students can also view candid digital photos taken during classroom learning and then be asked to rate their attentive behavior. To increase metacognitive levels, ask your students to chorally repeat these pledges or even create their own. Hence, self-regulated learners are born and nurtured!
Student Pledge (to be recited with enthusiasm!)
I know it’s the morning (afternoon)
And we’re still yawning (leaving soon)
But this is my promise for today (now)
When I will say (vow)
That I will do my best
And it’s not said in jest
To really care
And be sincere
To listen and learn
And respect each in turn
We all have many a need
But we all can succeed
If we use our mind
And to each other be kind
So here I am in school
Where not only teachers rule
But it’s each student
That needs to be prudent
If I have a positive attitude
I could master math, reading, and even latitude
The implications are great
I decide my own fate
So I’ll give it my best try
And that’s no lie
It’s my promise, no fingers crossed
I’ll ask questions when I’m lost
I’ll care about this stuff
Even when the going gets tough
And I think I’ll even smile
May as well, I’ll be here awhile
Primary Student Pledge
I can
And say
Each day
Will be fine
I won’t whine
I will always try
And that’s no lie
There are a lot of facts I need
That will feed
My budding brain
And I won’t complain
Because being smart
Is an art
So I promise to grow
To be a kid who’ll know!
Source: Karten, T. (2007) More Inclusion strategies that work! Aligning student strengths with standards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press