Teaching certainly involves more than the actual hours spent in the classroom. You report to a school at a certain time, but what you do before that bell determines the success of your lessons. Teaching is almost as complex as producing a Broadway play with a diverse cast of characters and quite a few critics! Teachers in inclusion classrooms collaboratively prepare lessons for their students based upon their individual needs and classroom dynamics. Student data and the educational research drives instructional inclusion decisions. Consequently, teachers need to consistently remain consummate consumers of the knowledge.
If you would like to experience an excellent professional opportunity in the field of special education, then attend a Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) National Conference. What fun at the CEC event at National Harbor this April! The educators inspire me to write more and consistently keep my pulse on the heartbeat of special education to truly make it special for ALL learners within inclusive classrooms. CEC advocates for students with special needs by sharing the knowledge in a forum that allows for friends and colleagues to network with each other, validate practices, and add a few more strategies and interventions to their repertoires. Thanks to Corwin Press and all of the sponsors who support and infuse the professional growth of educators. Each year that I attend,I am reenergized. Mark your 2012 calendars for the next CEC annual conference April 11-14 in CO.