Thoughts from Hackettsown School District from elementary to middle school and high school:
- Inclusion is a school version of society as a whole.
- Co-teachers benefit from each other’s expertise and are able to better service all needs!
- Inclusion is my best teaching year ever!
- A great way to teach children at all levels, from those with disabilities to gifted students.
- Working together to provide the best learning environment for our students.
- Curriculum becomes less challenging with 2 teachers collaborating to assist all students!
- Meeting the needs of all students and allowing students to be and feel successful while showing growth.
- Inclusion is having all students succeed to the best of their ability.
- Co teachers help all students find success!
- Inclusion is team teaching together.
- Inclusion is an important part of class, as it helps us see a variety of perspectives, and gives us a more full picture of the world.
- Inclusion is amazing if done correctly!
- Inclusion is a level playing field for all students.
- Inclusion is providing those with disabilities additional resources to help them have the same chance at success in a gen. ed. classroom.
- Inclusion is the best way for all students to see that no one learns exactly the same way, and everyone benefits from seeing other ways to learn things.