I recently received this communication about an August 1st workshop on the Common Core State Standards in inclusive classrooms:
Hi Toby! I just wanted to thank you so very much for the workshop this morning sponsored by Boslands. I have to tell you how inspired I am to start the fall with my kindergarten class. I like the way you presented on so many topics-CCSS, Inclusive Education and Technology. As a parent of a special needs student, I have always been a believer of inclusive education. I am thrilled to be able to apply my experiences to the classroom. It was wonderful to hear you share ways to differentiate the core standards. They really are nothing to be afraid of. After all, it’s all evolutionary, right? Today you provided a forum of professional sharing that should be commended.. I came away with so many ideas and enthusiasm. I hope to attend more of your workshops. Please add me to your e-mail list. And if we can ever collaborate in the future, I am willing to open the door of my classroom. Thanks again, Toby. I truly had a fantastic morning.
My response:
WOW, SC; thank you for this communication! I loved sharing the ideas today to help de-puzzle the CCSS! I am so happy to receive this feedback. Educators have so much on their plates, but becoming frazzled is not an option! Collaboration along with palatable inclusion strategies and tools will help ALL learners succeed in the classroom and life!
Yes, let’s DEFINITELY continue the collaboration! In the interim, enjoy your summer!
Toby J. Karten
LET’S COLLABORATE to de-puzzle the CCSS for ALL!